Oriental music anyone? (turkish/greek/arabic etc.)

Hi everyone,

I am a researcher at ETH - Informatik, and I play qanun since 2011. I like playing instrumental pieces from Turkish classical music but I am also open to songs (also to Western classical music). If you like this type of music and/or play one of these instruments, please let me know: Oud, tanbur, classical kemençe, ney, def, bendir, violin, cello or similar: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BCrkische_Kunstmusik

One of my favourites, performed with oud:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTjGJSJq0I0

Please reach out to me if you are interested: baran.goezcue@inf.ethz.ch / +41 76 738 7221



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