I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I'm a latinamerican student at ETH working on biophysics, but more importantly in this context, a very big music fan. I play mainly piano with a background in jazz, but I want to try playing the drums. I am ok at them, used to play them before a knee injury, but I want to try out again. I'd be looking to play something not too basic (but also not looking to play Caravan a la whiplash style from the get-go, maybe we can work up to it), but otherwise i am quite open to the genre (from bands like Silk Sonic, Dave Brubeck, Bon iver, Hiatus Kaiyote, Snarky Puppy) with a slight preference towards modern jazz. I also can defend myself on backup vocals, guitar and bass if needed.
In any case, let me know of any music projects i could be of help with.
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Ad posted on: 2024-02-21 16:11:42